Monday, July 11, 2011

Catching Up

Hey y'all!

So, in my last post I whined about having choreographers' block, which is still very much true. However, I have figured out that it really doesn't matter; I'm almost completely done choreographing this show! In two weeks I have choreographed and taught every big dance number in this show--I have never worked so fast or diligently in my life! I'm really proud of myself and of the kids for keeping up with me. Sometimes I get frustrated because they forget things when we do run-throughs, but they really have learned a lot in a very short period of time. And we still have three weeks to get everything the way I want it! Of course I still have some choreographic work to do on one or two smaller, less involved numbers, and some of my big pieces don't have endings (or in the case of the Finale, a beginning...), but the bulk of the choreography is finished, taught, and in many cases, on its way to being cleaned. YAY!

walking to the staff meeting after lunch!
On Thursday we had a pretty calm day as far as work goes, which was nice for three reasons: 1) I wasn't yelling at kids and counting to 8 an ungodly number of times, 2) I got to spend my morning hanging out with Dario, and 3) we met up with Michelle, Vanessa, Rachel (our newest addition to the staff), and Alvaro for lunch! Dario and I met up in the morning with the intention of doing work, but after talking it over we realized that there actually wasn't much we could do to accomplish our goals that morning since certain businesses decided not to be open during their posted hours. Thanks, Monteverde and Tico Time. So, instead of working, we hung out in Common Cup, drank coffee, and exchanged music. After a couple of hours of that, we went to the center of Santa Elena for Cosecha's (an incredible fruit smoothie stand in town - great improvement!) with everyone else. After that we went up to the space for a staff meeting and a run-through of some mostly-finished scenes. Things are getting done fast, but we're starting to run out of time!

Happy Birthday, Alvaro!
Saturday was Alvaro's 18th birthday! Friday night he came out with us girls so we could celebrate with him and on Friday we got the whole cast to sing happy birthday to him. He's pretty shy, so it's hard to tell if it made him happy or incredibly uncomfortable. Michelle also had the idea to make him a card signed by the entire staff and to have all of us draw him pictures. This was a bit of a joke since he's an incredible artist and the rest of us, well, aren't, but I think he appreciated the gesture!

Michelle and Vanessa - my visitors when I was sick!
Even though everything has been going pretty well with the show, I have been sick lately, which isn't so much fun. Turns out I've been having an asthma attack for two weeks, plus the mold from the rain and dust from the performance space is making everything worse. As a result, Lisa wouldn't let me work today. So, I spent the day watching musicals in my room. Not a bad way to spend a sick day, but I would have much rather been in rehearsal with my staff and kids. Sophia took over my dance rehearsals today and apparently really worked on getting everything clean, which is so great. It's a really good thing I have an assistant choreographer this year!

Scott and Dario are down in San Jose for today and tomorrow getting us the hook-up with stage lights. Hopefully they'll come back more knowledgeable and with more resources than when they left!

Keep following :)


This I just added for fun - Dario (Seymour) and Adri (Audrey) in costume! 

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