Thursday, July 14, 2011

Relax, Sweetheart! It'll be easier.

Hey y'all!

While in the play Little Shop of Horrors, the quote, "Relax, Sweetheart. It'll be easier," is a pretty scandalous innuendo, when taken out of this context it really does apply to my last couple of days.

Tuesday I was feeling very stressed out. My body, mind, and spirit all felt weak from my illness and from the medications I have been taking. I went home in a daze, feeling very indifferent. I wasn't satisfied, I wasn't unsatisfied, I was just going along with the motions. Yesterday, Wednesday, however, was much better! I was still feeling a little wobbly from all my meds, but I was able to focus more and felt a bit stronger. I had more energy teaching, and I think the kids fed off of my energy pretty well. We also did a run-through of Act I yesterday evening which went much better than our last one. La Tiendita de los Horrores is finally starting to feel like a real show! The choreography is looking better and the continuity of the show is coming together. The kids are starting to pick up cues faster, although this still needs some work, and everyone is beginning to understand the order of events of the show. Last night's run-through made me really optimistic for the show!

After the run-through and a staff meeting, most of the staff (Lisa and Adrienne for a bit, Vanessa, Michelle, Rachel, Alvaro, Dario, and myself) went to Common Cup, our favorite coffee shop, for their after-hours jam session that occurs every Wednesday. Michelle brought her ukelele and sang a few of her original songs, and there were 3 guitarists as well as a guy with a harmonica. Plus the rest of us joined in on old classics like Blackbird by the Beatles, American Pie, and To Make You Feel My Love. It was just the relaxing evening I needed with friends. We're definitely going to make this a weekly tradition with the staff!

Among all the other great things that happened yesterday at rehearsal, we also had a full cast/staff discussion of the themes of the show and how they relate to our global community as well as the Monteverde community. This discussion took a turn to the subject of adolescents here in Monteverde not really having a place to hang out and just be teenagers. There are activities for younger kids and activities for adults, but there's not really a center for teenagers. Antonio, one of the students who is a cross-over between student and friend for me, was leading this discussion, and it ended up turning towards the, "What if we had a teen theater group here?" discussion. Lisa, Rachel, and I couldn't stop smiling. Michelle leaned her head on my shoulder almost tearing up with joy, and Vanessa even looked a little proud. When (not if, when) we get this community arts center on its feet, we'll have students who are passionate. This will happen.

Keep following! Thanks for your support, even if I don't know about it!


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