Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Artes Para el Alma

Hi, everyone!

Those of you who have been following my adventures since day one will notice some radical changes to the layout and content to the webpage as of last night. The most prominent one is the title of the blog, which is now a picture of a sign that hangs above the path that leads to our performance space from last year, Bromelia's Music Garden. The sign says, "Artes para el alma," which means "Arts for the soul." I thought this was a more relevant and appropriate title for my blog this year than "Community Arts in Monteverde."

Yes, I want to start a community arts center here, but as I have been going along my merry way this summer I have realized that this idea is more than just providing arts classes for people and putting up shows. The arts to me are more than just a career path or a hobby; they are my primary means of expression and self-awareness. It is incredible how much a person can learn about oneself through the study and practice of any genre of art, be it performing or visual. It may be cliche to say that art is a way of life, but cliches exist because they are true. My goal with this project is to encourage people here in Monteverde and Santa Elena to experiment with the arts. Maybe someone will come in, try a few classes, and decide that the arts really don't suit them. That is totally fine with me. At least that person had the opportunity to try it. And maybe someone else comes in, takes one painting class, and realizes that painting is his or her calling, but it was never previously available for them to take classes, practice, experiment, and master it. There are so many possibilities that could exist through this center, and I just want to make them available to everyone here the way they were always available to me.

I have danced all my life, but I always knew that if I decided one day that I didn't want to do it anymore, I could stop. And I knew that everyone would be supportive of that decision. Maybe they would be a little confused or concerned, but it was my choice whether I wanted to dance or not. Coming to Monteverde last year made me think about the reverse situation. What if I had never taken that first ballet or jazz class? What would I be doing with my life? I don't even know. I can only imagine that there is a little girl here who may be an amazing dancer some day, but without a local studio or teacher, she will never discover this about herself. The decision is out of her hands because the opportunity doesn't even exist. I look at Dario, this guy with an incredible voice who knows that without Lisa Burns and FCCMT, he would never have known it. He would never have played the piano or cello, either. And now, on August 6th and 7th, he has college theater auditions. What would Dario be doing with his life if he had never met Lisa? I don't think he knows the answer to that question. Of course, these are extreme examples of people who want to devote their lives to their chosen art, but that is just the point. We chose it. We had the opportunity to choose.

This is not to say that the center will be aimed towards people who want to become professional artists, although that certainly would be encouraged there. It would also exist to foster a community of artists here in Monteverde who create for fun and for the pure experience of doing something creative--"arts for the soul." The arts are proven to help kids make better grades in school, encourage collaboration in problem-solving and projects for people of all ages, and I think they create an environment that promotes peace and understanding among everyone involved. There is a certain amount of respect that exists in such artist communities, and I think it is a beautiful thing to spread to all parts of the world.

If anyone following has read any recent research on these topics, send them along (! I have some in my archives, but I'm always looking for more.

Keep following!

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