Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Side-Note...

Yesterday while I was with Dario and Sophia we walked up to the Centro Comercial de Monteverde, the town's mostly vacant mall, to check out our performance space! The room is huge! It is going to be such a wonderful place to have our show if we can get it fixed up with a little platform for the shop and maybe even a rudimentary stage. I am so excited after seeing where the magic will take place this summer.

This is also the mall where I hope to inquire about space for the community arts facility that will hopefully be realized in the next few years. For those of you who do not know about the bigger picture I have here in Monteverde, here's a little introduction to my vision:

I want to create a place for the people of Monteverde that will be an artistic and creative outlet. Essentially a place were everyone can come and experience art in some way, whether that be through visual art, music, dance, acting, or anything else one could possibly think of. I want to support and encourage every art form in this town. Currently there are no art classes being taught in either the public or private schools, and for many kids, FCCMT's yearly musical is the only exposure they get to art all year. Ideally, the community arts center will be fully staffed and functioning all year round. There are some people here who teach music or dance, but on a private and not very regular basis. Most of them teach out of their homes and only have a few regular students. My goal is to meet with them sometime this summer and encourage them to support my idea to have a centralized art center. I would want them to be regular teachers at the center and open their studios to a greater number of students. I also have a couple of people from the States who are willing to come down and lend a hand, but of course, I don't know how committed they are or for how long they are willing to stay here.

Obviously funding is an issue as well as physical space. Learning about how businesses operate here is one of my many goals for the summer, as well as figuring out how leasing works with the mall space. This is where I ask for your help. If you are knowledgeable in any of these areas, please let me know! I would love to hear from experts in things that I know very little about. This summer for me is all about learning and laying the groundwork for this center that I think will be a huge asset to this community.

Keep following!


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