Saturday, June 18, 2011

Audiciones... A Continuacion

On Thursday night Vanessa, our costume designer, arrived. She seems really nice, though I've only spent a total of about two hours with her thus far. I'm looking forward to getting to know her. She's another volunteer around my age. She's a rising senior in college and is 21 years old. This should be a fun group.

Yesterday, we continued to hold auditions. Only one person came, but we're still optimistic! We're still advertising and we know kids from last year who are planning on coming either today or at the beginning of next week. I'm not worried yet. I have also become the optimistic member of the group. Anytime someone says something negative I have to counter it. I don't know why this became my job. I think it's because I've spent so much time telling Dario to calm down y que no se preocupe. Lisa, too. They both worry too much. But that's why they're good at what they do!

It is now 9 AM and I have been up since 5. My day has barely started. I met Alvaro, our artistic director and set designer and all-around helper, at the colegio at 6 and we set up shop at the farmers' market. When I left about 10 minutes ago, we had talked to about 10 interested people. Hopefully he and Sophia will have better luck these next few hours.

After I finish up here, I am heading over to the Salon Parroquial to continue with the audition process. Hopefully more people show up! Then this afternoon we are continuing staff training/orientation/bonding. It's difficult, though, because not everyone is here. Only 5 of our staffers from the States are here, and Dario is here but he works Fridays and Saturdays, which means it's hard to make time for the staff to do things on their own. But again, I'm the optimistic one, so everything will work out! Plus, Scott gets here tomorrow, and I'm assuming that means that things will kick into high gear then. Not that I haven't been working hard enough or constantly already...

My newest job is typing up the entire English libretto of Little Shop of Horrors. I have just finished Scene 4, which amounts to 35 pages on Microsoft Word. It is quite a process. Lisa gave me the option of delegating this task (I get to delegate things! That means I'm a senior staff member!), but now that I'm so far into it, I don't want to pass it off to someone and have the formatting get messed up. I may have relaxed a lot from my experiences here in Monteverde, but some things about my obsessiveness will never change.

The staff is getting polo shirts! I'm super jazzed. It makes me feel really official. And like it's a real job. :)

And apparently Lisa is not coming back to Monteverde next summer... She and Michelle Boesch from last year are planning on going to China to do a MTC (Musical Theater Connections, a branch of FCCMT) program. So, that means that Adrienne, Dario, and I are in charge of the program next summer - I was not informed of this! Adrienne mentioned it in passing yesterday. I can't decide if that is exciting or terrifying. Either way, I'm glad to know that I'm a valued member of this staff and organization now.

More to come, as always. Still working on getting myself organized to hit the ground running on my own project. Right now FCCMT is seriously my life. I haven't done anything social or fun other than playing cards with Fiorella and Joycel at the house. And even then it's between things I have to do for work. But hopefully as more staff members show up and I get to concentrate solely on choreography and my musical theater workshop more time will free up for me to start making stronger connections with local artists, teachers, and business owners in the area. I'm already becoming pretty good friends with the guy who owns the coffee shop from which I blog and work almost every day. Maybe he'll be a local supporter.

If anyone has anything they want to say to me or advice to give, but doesn't want to make an account on blogger to comment on my posts, feel free to e-mail me! I check it even more often than I check my blog, which is saying something!

Keep following!


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